Week 9: Space + Art
Carl Sagan’s speech, Pale Blue Dot , really puts into perspective just how insignificant we are as human beings in the vastness of space. He describes our planet as “a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark” and describes it as nothing more than a “mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.” I have always been fascinated by space because there is so much that is unknown about it. This desire to discover the unknown is what has fueled space exploration for many years. A Pale Blue Dot As early as the 1950s, there was a rise in science fiction such as Planet Stories , The Jetsons , Lost in Space , Star Trek and many others. Many of the things that people fantasized about in these fictional stories actually because a reality not too long afterwards. The first step in space exploration is coming up with a project idea, and this creativity is illustrated perfectly in these science fictions stories. For example, The Fountains of Paradise by Arthur C. Clarke proposes the idea of...